Designed to edge lift panel to vertical position.Welded shear plate eliminates need for shear bars.
Part Number Length Thickness SWL (lbs) System COde
2 F EA 02 080 8" 3/8" 16, 000 2.5
2 F EA 02 080 S 8" 3/8" 16, 000 2.5
4 F EA 04 105 10.5" 5/8" 32, 000 5
4 F EA 04 105 S 10.5" 5/8" 32, 000 5
6 F EA 06 128 12.8" 5/8" 48, 000 10
6 F EA 06 128 S 12.8" 5/8" 48, 000 10
8 F EA 08 128 12.8" 3/4" 64, 000 10
8 F EA 08 128 S 12.8" 3/4" 64, 000 10
Safe working loads based on 4:1 Safety Factor in 3, 500 psi normal weight concrete.